Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later

If you receive the error message on “Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later”

Listed below are the most likely causes for this error message:

1. You have a currency sign in front of your amount. Example: $50.00

2. You have entered an incorrect Merchant ID or PayPal Email address.

3. Make sure the “Block Non-encrypted Website Payment” PayPal feature is turned off. You can do this by going to and selecting Profile & Settings –> My Selling Tools –> Website Preferences. Go down to the section “Encrypted Website Payments” and select “off” to the “Block Non-encrypted Website Payment:”

4. The following plugins are known to cause this error message:
Glossary by Codeat (must disable plugin)
WordFence Security (must whitelist our plugin)