PayPal & Stripe Gateway Code

The gateway code field allows your users to choose how they want to Pay.

Step 1: Make a dropdown menu.

There are two options, one for PayPal and one for Stripe. Each option uses a pipe “|” to split the text description (on the left of the pipe) from the action (on the right of the pipe).  The use of “paypal” and “stripe” all lowercase is required for the action to work correctly. In this example the form code is menu-222.

[select menu-222 "Pay with PayPal|paypal" "Pay with Stripe|stripe"]

Step 2: Put the from code on the PayPal & Stripe tab


That is it for steps. Your form will looks something like this:

When someone chooses PayPal, they will be redirected to PayPal when the form is submitted. When they choose Stripe, they will be redirected to a Stripe form.


Stripe Checkout:

PayPal checkout:

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